Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Traffic Hot Spots

These are the Top 10 traffic complaints called in to the ZOOM hotline from September 23 through September 30:

1. Pine Ridge Road and Forest Lakes Boulevard - Speeding
2. Vanderbilt Beach Road and U.S. 41 - Red-light running
3. Green Boulevard - Speeding
4. Goodlette-Frank and Immokalee roads - Aggressive driving
5. Collier Boulevard and Fiddlers Creek Parkway - Speeding
6. Rattlesnake Hammock and County Barn roads - Aggressive driving
7. Davis and Lakewood boulevards - Red-light running
8. Airport-Pulling and Radio roads - Red-light running
9. Golden Gate Parkway and Santa Barbara Boulevard - Red-light running
10. Naples Boulevard and Airport-Pulling Road - Red-light running

Drive Safe

CCSO wants you to drive safe.

The Traffic Unit is patrolling to make sure drivers are obeying speed limits.

Watch your speed and give yourself plenty of time to get to your destination.

If you’re going to be drinking, designate a driver, or call a cab.

Click here to watch our public safety announcements and learn more about CCSO Traffic.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Rainy Day Driving

The rainy season is here.

Rain is blamed for many traffic accidents each year but most are preventable if drivers know what to do.

That’s why CCSO has put together a list of tips that will help you stay safe on the road when it’s raining.

Click here to watch a video about our wet weather driving tips.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

On The Leading Edge

CCSO's traffic unit is on the leading edge of traffic safety.

Whether they're citing speeders or red-light runners, pulling unsafe dump trucks off the road or educating teens about the dangers of drinking and driving, deputies are earning big honors.

CCSO has won multiple awards for its work in traffic, most recently earning a first place in the Florida Department of Transportation's Law Enforcement Challenge. CCSO took top honors in that same competition in 2004 and 2006.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

ZOOM Traffic Hotline

The 530-ZOOM traffic hotline doesn't take a break.

We are passing all of the problem intersections along to the Sheriff’s Office traffic unit so they can add them to their enforcement efforts. The calls about traffic signals, signs or changing the setup of intersections, we forward on to Collier County transportation for their help.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Traffic Enforcement Spots

CCSO Traffic Enforcement Spots for Sept. 29

Monday, Sept. 29:

Airport-Pulling Road at Coach House Lane - Speeding
16th Place Southwest and Santa Barbara Boulevard – Speeding
I-75 Exit and Pine Ridge Road – Red-light running

Tuesday, Sept. 30:

Vanderbilt Beach Road at Vineyards Boulevard - Speeding
Golden Gate Parkway and Livingston Road – Aggressive driving
Immokalee Road and Twin Eagles Boulevard – Speeding

Wednesday, Oct. 1:

Collier Boulevard at Lord’s Way – Aggressive driving
Pine Ridge Road at I-75 - Speeding
U.S. 41 and Triangle Boulevard – Speeding

Thursday, Oct. 2:

Pine-Ridge and Goodlette-Frank roads – Red-light running
Airport-Pulling and Pine Ridge roads – Red-light running
Lake Trafford Road - Speeding

Friday, Oct. 3:

Goodlette-Frank Road at Center Street – Speeding
Bonita Beach Road and West Avenue – Speeding
Logan and Green boulevards – Red-light running

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Is Your Car's Equipment Safe?

Are your car’s brakes working correctly?

What about turn signals and windshield wipers?

CCSO deputies are cracking down on vehicle equipment violations.

Checkpoints will be conducted throughout the year to raise awareness about driving an unsafe, ill-equipped vehicle.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Move Over, It's The Law

Florida Statute 316.126 requires drivers to move over and away from stopped emergency vehicles. The purpose of the law is to protect law enforcement officers, firefighters and EMS workers while they are on the scene of an accident or other roadside emergency.

Under the law, drivers must:

* Approach cautiously when an emergency vehicle is stopped along the highway with its lights flashing.

* Move away from emergency vehicles when traveling on a multi-lane highway.

* Slow down to 20 mph below the speed limit or to 5 mph when the speed limit is 20 mph or less or if changing lanes safely is not an option.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Steer Clear Of Aggressive Drivers

Aggressive drivers make roads unsafe for everyone, particularly in places like Southwest Florida where traffic can get heavy.

That’s why motorists should be aware of how they can spot aggressive drivers and know what to do when they encounter them.

Click here to see the CCSO’s tip sheet on coping with aggressive drivers.

Keep Your Kids Safe

When it comes to vehicles, do know when your children need to be in a car seat? Do you know when they need to be in a booster seat?

Florida's laws regarding child restraint in vehicles are designed to help keep your children safe.

Click here to learn about Florida's child restraint laws.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Traffic Hot Spots

These are the Top 10 traffic complaints called in to the ZOOM hotline from Sept. 16 to 23:

1. Immokalee Road at Logan Boulevard - Speeding
2. Collier Boulevard and U.S. 41 East - Red-light running
3. Crown Point Boulevard - Speeding
4. 22nd Avenue North - Speeding
5. U.S. 41 North at Vanderbilt Beach Road - Speeding
6. King Sable Drive at Radio Road - Speeding
7. Rattlesnake Hammock Road and U.S. 41 East - Red-light running
8. 13th Street S.W. and Golden Gate Parkway - Speeding
9. Estey Avenue - Speeding
10. Brantley Boulevard - Speeding

Traffic Fatalities Down

Traffic fatalities have been on a steady decline in Collier County, thanks in part to CCSO's focus on education, awareness and enforcement of traffic laws.

Traffic enforcement is an agencywide effort at CCSO.

Click here to watch our video.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Don't Toss Butts

Did you know it’s a crime to toss a lit cigarette from a car?

It is.

Offenders could be arrested and charged with a first-degree misdemeanor.

Deputies are on the lookout for motorists who toss cigarettes or any other lit substances onto Collier County roadways. It is a violation of Florida law to throw, drop, or dispose of a lighted match, cigarette, cigar, ashes, or other flaming or glowing substance onto a roadway, or any substance that could cause a wildfire.

The discarding of lit substances can cause major environmental, social and economic damages.

The loss of habitat, homes and even lives can result from discarding a lit substance onto a roadway.

So keep your butts in your car.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Traffic Enforcement Spots

Monday, Sept. 22

U.S. 41 E. and Thomasson Drive – Aggressive driving
Golden Gate Parkway at Interstate 75 - Speeding
Logan Boulevard at Immokalee Road – Speeding

Tuesday, Sept. 23

U.S. 41 N. at Old U.S. 41 - Speeding
Collier Boulevard and Pine Ridge Road – Red-light running
Livingston Road and Veterans Memorial Boulevard – Aggressive driving

Wednesday, Sept. 24

Lakewood and Davis boulevards – Red-light running
Goodlette-Frank and Vanderbilt Beach roads – Red-light running
U.S. 41 E. and Bayshore Drive - Speeding

Thursday, Sept. 25

Radio Road and Santa Barbara Boulevard – Aggressive driving
Logan Boulevard South – Speeding
Immokalee Road at Palm River Boulevard – Speeding

Friday, Sept. 26

White Boulevard – Aggressive driving
Collier Boulevard and Heritage Greens - Speeding
Immokalee and Airport-Pulling roads – Red-light running

Drive Safe

CCSO wants you to drive safe.

The Traffic Unit is patrolling to make sure drivers are obeying speed limits.

Watch your speed and give yourself plenty of time to get to your destination.

If you’re going to be drinking, designate a driver, or call a cab.

Click here to watch our public safety announcements and learn more about CCSO Traffic.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Is Your Car's Equipment Safe?

Are your car’s brake lights working properly?

What about turn signals and windshield wipers?

Collier County sheriff’s deputies are cracking down on vehicle equipment violations.

Checkpoints will be conducted throughout the year to raise public awareness about the dangers of driving an unsafe, ill-equipped vehicle.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Don't Toss Butts

Did you know that it’s a crime to toss a lit cigarette from a car?

It is.

Offenders could be arrested and charged with a first-degree misdemeanor.

Deputies are on the lookout for motorists who toss cigarettes or any other lit substances onto Collier County roadways.

It is a violation of Florida law to throw, drop, or dispose of a lighted match, cigarette, cigar, ashes, or other flaming or glowing substance onto a roadway, or any substance that could cause a wildfire.

The discarding of lit substances can cause major environmental, social and economic damages. The loss of habitat, homes and even lives can result from discarding a lit substance onto a roadway.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Keep Your Child Safe

When it comes to vehicles, when do know when your children need to be in a car seat? When do you know when they need to be in a booster seat?

Florida's laws regarding child restraint in vehicles are designed to help keep your children safe.

Click here to learn about Florida's child restraint laws.

Monday, September 15, 2008

These are the Top 10 traffic complaints called in to the ZOOM hotline from Sept. 9-16:

1. 53rd Street S.W. - Speeding
2. Immokalee Road at Laurel Oaks Elementary – Red-light running
3. Santa Barbara Boulevard at Coronado Parkway – Speeding
4. Collier Boulevard at Davis Boulevard – Speeding
5. U.S. 41 at Vanderbilt Beach Road – Red-light running
6. Golden Gate Parkway at Airport-Pulling Road – Red-light running
7. U.S. 41 East at Airport-Pulling Road – Aggressive driving
8. Rattlesnake Hammock Road at Collier Boulevard – Aggressive driving
9. Pine Ridge Road at I-75 – Speeding
10. U.S. 41 East at Collier Boulevard - Speeding

Red Means Stop

When the yellow lights on the school bus are flashing, that’s your sign to slow down.

When the red lights on the bus are flashing, that’s your sign to stop.

To make sure motorists heed these signs, throughout the school year, the Collier County Sheriff’s Office will be cracking down on motorists that pass school buses that are stopped to load or unload children.

Deputies handed out nearly two dozen citations to motorists for passing stopped school buses and speeding near bus stops during a crackdown in February.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Steer Clear Of Aggressive Drivers

Aggressive drivers make roads unsafe for everyone, particularly in places like Southwest Florida where traffic can get heavy.

That’s why motorists should be aware of how they can spot aggressive drivers and know what to do when they encounter them. Click here to see the CCSO’s tip sheet on coping with aggressive drivers.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Does Your Car Fit?

CCSO-trained specialists go through a 12-point checklist to help senior drivers make sure they are properly “fitted” for their cars and make sure they are driving safely.

To schedule a Car Fit session please call 793-9155 or e-mail us at trafficsafety@colliersheriff.net

Friday, September 12, 2008

Red Means Stop

When the yellow lights on the school bus are flashing, that’s your sign to slow down.

When the red lights on the bus are flashing, that’s your sign to stop.

To make sure motorists heed these signs, throughout the school year, the Collier County Sheriff’s Office will be cracking down on motorists that pass school buses that are stopped to load or unload children.

Deputies handed out nearly two dozen citations to motorists for passing stopped school buses and speeding near bus stops during a crackdown in February.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Traffic Enforcement Spots

CCSO Traffic Enforcement Spots for Sept. 15

Monday, Sept. 15:

Golden Gate Boulevard at Big Cypress Elementary - Speeding
Airport-Pulling Road at Rustic Oakes Circle - Speeding
U.S. 41 North at Immokalee Road – Aggressive driving

Tuesday, Tuesday, Sept. 16:

Santa Barbara Boulevard and Golden Gate Parkway – Red-light running
Goodlette-Frank Road at Center Street - Speeding
U.S. 41 North at Vanderbilt Beach Road – Red-light running

Wednesday, Sept. 17:

Airport-Pulling Road and Poinciana Elementary – Speeding
Collier Boulevard at Cedar Hammock Road - Speeding
Livingston Road at Immokalee Road – Red-light running

Thursday, Sept. 18:

Collier Boulevard at Crystal Lakes Drive – Speeding
Hunter Boulevard and Coronado Parkway – Aggressive driving
Golden Gate Parkway and Santa Barbara Boulevard – Red-light running

Friday, Sept. 19:

25th Street Southwest and White Boulevard – Speeding
Immokalee Road at Logan Boulevard – Red-light running
Collier Boulevard at I-75 – Red-light running

Steer Clear Of Aggressive Drivers

Aggressive drivers make roads unsafe for everyone, particularly in places like Southwest Florida where traffic can get heavy.

That’s why motorists should be aware of how they can spot aggressive drivers and know what to do when they encounter them.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Rainy Day Driving

The summer rainy season is here.

Rain is blamed for many traffic accidents each year but most are preventable if drivers know what to do.

That’s why CCSO has put together a list of tips that will help you stay safe on the road when it’s raining.

Click here to watch a video about our wet weather driving tips.

Don't Toss Butts

Did you know it’s a crime to toss a lit cigarette from a car?

It is. Offenders could be arrested and charged with a first-degree misdemeanor.

Deputies are on the lookout for motorists who toss cigarettes or any other lit substances onto Collier County roadways.

It is a violation of Florida law to throw, drop, or dispose of a lighted match, cigarette, cigar, ashes, or other flaming or glowing substance onto a roadway, or any substance that could cause a wildfire. The discarding of lit substances can cause major environmental, social and economic damages. The loss of habitat, homes and even lives can result from discarding a lit substance onto a roadway.

So keep your butts in your car.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Traffic Hot Spots

These are the Top 10 traffic complaints called in to the ZOOM hotline from Sept. 2 to 9:

1. Logan Boulevard at Vanderbilt Beach Road – Speeding
2. 10th Street S.W. - Speeding
3. Ibis Cove Circle – Speeding
4. Pine Ridge Road at I-75 – Aggressive driving
5. Collier Boulevard at Rattlesnake-Hammock Road – Red-light running
6. Brantley Boulevard - Speeding
7. Airport-Pulling and Vanderbilt Beach roads – Red-light running
8. Golden Gate Parkway at Collier Boulevard – Speeding
9. Biscayne Drive – Speeding
10. Immokalee Road at I-75 – Red-light running

Drive Safe

CCSO wants you to drive safe.

The Traffic Unit is patrolling to make sure drivers are obeying speed limits.

Watch your speed and give yourself plenty of time to get to your destination.

If you’re going to be drinking, designate a driver, or call a cab.

Click here to watch our public safety announcements and learn more about CCSO Traffic.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Rainy Day Driving

The summer rainy season is here.

Rain is blamed for many traffic accidents each year but most are preventable if drivers know what to do. That’s why CCSO has put together a list of tips that will help you stay safe on the road when it’s raining.

Click here to watch a video about our wet weather driving tips.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Keep Your Kids Safe

When it comes to vehicles, do know when your children need to be in a car seat? Do you know when they need to be in a booster seat?

Florida's laws regarding child restraint in vehicles are designed to help keep your children safe.

Click here to learn about Florida's child restraint laws.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Traffic Enforcement Spots

Monday, Sept. 8:

Airport-Pulling Road at Poinciana Elementary – Speeding
U.S. 41 East at Rattlesnake Hammock Road – Speeding
Vineyards and Napa boulevards – Aggressive driving

Tuesday, Sept. 9:

Santa Barbara Boulevard and Golden Gate Parkway – Red-light running
Pine Ridge Road at Naples Boulevard – Aggressive driving
Airport-Pulling Road at Rustic Oaks Circle – Speeding

Wednesday, Sept. 10:

Collier Boulevard at Amity Road – Speeding
S.R. 82 and S.R. 29 North - Speeding
Livingston Road and Biscayne Court - Speeding

Thursday, Sept. 11:

Airport-Pulling Road at Vanderbilt Beach Road – Red-light running
Hunter Boulevard and Coronado Parkway – Aggressive driving
Golden Gate Parkway and Santa Barbara Boulevard – Red-light running

Friday, Sept. 12:

25th Street Southwest and White Boulevard – Speeding
111th Avenue North at Naples Park Elementary – Aggressive driving
U.S. 41 North at Immokalee Road – Red-light running

Don't Toss Butts

Did you know that it’s a crime to toss a lit cigarette from a car?

It is.

Offenders could be arrested and charged with a first-degree misdemeanor.

Deputies are on the lookout for motorists who toss cigarettes or any other lit substances onto Collier County roadways.

It is a violation of Florida law to throw, drop, or dispose of a lighted match, cigarette, cigar, ashes, or other flaming or glowing substance onto a roadway, or any substance that could cause a wildfire.

The discarding of lit substances can cause major environmental, social and economic damages. The loss of habitat, homes and even lives can result from discarding a lit substance onto a roadway.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Move Over, It's The Law

Florida Statute 316.126 requires drivers to move over and away from stopped emergency vehicles. The purpose of the law is to protect law enforcement officers, firefighters and EMS workers while they are on the scene of an accident or other roadside emergency.

Under the law, drivers must:

* Approach cautiously when an emergency vehicle is stopped along the highway with its lights flashing.

* Move away from emergency vehicles when traveling on a multilane highway.

* Slow down to 20 mph below the speed limit or to 5 mph when the speed limit is 20 mph or less or if changing lanes safely is not an option. Florida

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Red Means Stop

When the yellow lights on the school bus are flashing, that’s your sign to slow down.

When the red lights on the bus are flashing, that’s your sign to stop.

To make sure motorists heed these signs, throughout the school year, the Collier County Sheriff’s Office will be cracking down on motorists that pass school buses that are stopped to load or unload children.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Traffic Hot Spots

These are the Top 10 traffic complaints called in to the ZOOM hotline from Aug. 26 to Sept. 2:

1. Golden Gate Parkway and Livingston Road – Red-light running

2. Airport Road at Davis Boulevard – Aggressive driving

3. Pine Ridge Road at I-75 – Speeding

4. Collier Boulevard at Immokalee Road – Speeding

5. Vanderbilt Beach Road at U.S. 41 – Red-light running

6. Livingston Road at Immokalee Road – Speeding

7. Immokalee Road at Wilson Boulevard – Speeding

8. Rattlesnake Hammock Road at County Barn Road – Aggressive driving

9. Santa Barbara Boulevard at Radio Road – Aggressive driving

10. Immokalee Road at U.S. 41 North – Red-light running

Is Your Car's Equipment Safe?

Are your car’s brake lights working properly?

What about turn signals and windshield wipers?

Collier County sheriff’s deputies are cracking down on vehicle equipment violations.

Checkpoints will be conducted throughout the year to raise public awareness about the dangers of driving an unsafe, ill-equipped vehicle.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Drive Safe

CCSO wants you to drive safe.

The Traffic Unit is patrolling to make sure drivers are obeying speed limits.

Watch your speed and give yourself plenty of time to get to your destination.

If you’re going to be drinking, designate a driver, or call a cab.

Click here to watch our public safety announcements and learn more about CCSO Traffic.