Sunday, November 2, 2008

Stay Focused While Driving

In most cases, the ability to multi-task is a talent to be admired.

Helping your son with his homework while you’re whipping up dinner? Good for you. Balancing your checkbook while watching the evening news? Way to go.

But make no mistake: Behind the wheel, multi-tasking can be deadly.

AAA’s Foundation for Traffic Safety estimates that driver distraction causes or contributes to 25 to 50 percent of all auto accidents.

Putting on makeup, glancing over a magazine article, eating, talking on the phone and other activities that take a driver’s attention off the road should be avoided. Looking away from the road for even a second or two can be disastrous.

The Collier County Sheriff’s Office has advice to help you stay focused when you’re behind the wheel.

* If you’re hungry or thirsty, park your car and take a break to eat or drink. You can eat in your parked car, in a restaurant or at a roadside park.

* Adjust the vehicle’s radio, temperature, rear-view mirrors and seats before you put the key in the ignition.

* Eliminate temptation by putting newspapers, magazines and day planners in the trunk until you arrive at your destination.

* Avoid complex or emotional conversations with passengers until you arrive at your destination.

* If you must use talk on the cell phone or send a text message, pull over to the side of the road to do it.

* Attend to personal grooming like combing your hair or applying makeup before you start driving.

* If children in the vehicle need to be disciplined or calmed, pull over and stop the car before doing it.

* If you drive past an accident stay focused on your driving and don’t give in to the temptation to try to see what’s going on.

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