Monday, August 4, 2008

Deputies Enforcing Red Light Laws

Motorists who get caught failing to stop for a red traffic signal can expect to pay up this week, National Stop On Red Week.

Getting caught running a red light in Collier County will set you back $203.

The annual national campaign to stop red-light running started Sunday and ends Saturday.

CCSO is joining law enforcement agencies across the country to raise awareness of the dangers of running a red light.

Deputies will be conducting enforcement operations throughout Collier County during the campaign in an effort to make our local roadways a safer place.

If you see an intersection where people are always running red lights or know of a stretch of road that’s a favorite for speeders, we want to hear about it.

Call the CCSO Traffic Hotline at 530-ZOOM (966) and give us the information. We’ll pass it along to the deputies so they can check it out.

Click here to check out our video on red light safety tips.

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